17 April 2010

Flower Reflections

In my field of specialty, the financial payout equals nothing. Seldom, there is any recognition for good deeds or experience. More often then not, I watch others advance even though I know that I have more expertise and wisdom. Sometimes I ask, "Lord, when will my day come?"

As I look out over the garden and admire the spring flowers, I notice the clumps of bulbs gathered in big groups creating a dramatic backdrop of color. Other flowers amass on a single plant extending the beauty of the entire bush. A thought comes to me, and I am humbled by nature's lesson.

How often do I walk up to each flower and give recognition to each individual bloom? Mostly, I look at the flowers as a whole and admire the entire grouping, "Oh, look at the daffodils. Aren't they amazing! The tulips are gorgeous this year. Yay! The columbine is in bloom. I love columbine. It's so pretty." I feel a great sense of peace and happiness as the plants give their energy and light.

Aquilegia formosa (aka columbine)

I guess we humans are like the flowers in the eyes of the Divine who loves all the flowers (us). Like the garden flowers, we may not be recognized individually or stand out prominently in this world. But as a group, we are stronger and more vibrant as we perform good deeds from the heart giving light to all around us. Sometimes, we may stand alone, but like the lone flower, which is still beautiful and loved, it's not as likely to attract attention from as the large grouping does. Together, we make a beautiful show and shine in the eyes of the Divine.

Yes, we may begin as one lone flower with a thought or idea, and like the flower that must survive the odds to multiply by spreading seed (or rhizomes), so must the individual. If the plant successfully multiplies, in years to come, a spectacular mass may grow where only one stood. As in nature, nothing happens overnight, but in time, a strong support system may be established.

Hellebores orientalis (aka Lenten Rose)

And, since I am here to do God's will as I try to shed this human ego, that'll be fine by me.

01 March 2010

The Agrarian Urbanite March 2010

YAY!!! It's March and that means that Spring is right around the corner. It's already apparent with all the bulbs spiking out of the Earth and the lengthening days...

Warmer weather is near, but until then, on a wet spring day, curl up with The Agrarian Urbanite. All new March issue...

Hang in there and thanks for reading.

26 February 2010

Message Revealed

I know what the message means. After years of the same thematic dream, today, I understand the simplicity of the message.

The basis of the dream contends with separation. In these reoccurring dreams, I am alone after a long relationship. My partner is gone without any forwarding information, yet the relationship was not officially ended. I feel a mixture of emotions usually abandonment ranking high on the list. Sometimes, I feel alone. There is usually a tinge of great sadness.

In other dreams, I am reunited with this person. The feeling is sometimes euphoric and usually very comfortable and secure. In most of these types of dreams I ask myself, “Why did we ever separate?”

The person is shown to me as someone I know on this Earthly realm. He may be my husband or a past endearing friend. At first, I felt confused by this, especially when the partner in the dream was my husband (though not married in the dream…always a boyfriend). I couldn’t understand why he left or why he didn’t call. I wonder why he didn’t end the relationship. It was as though a lapse of time passed, like a couple months, and suddenly I realize that I am without this partner. It’s just like waking up, after a long spell, to ask myself, “Where is he?”

There is at least one school of thought that when God creates us on the other side, we are born with a soul mate, a yin to our yang, a twin. I’ve seen it called twin flames. When we choose to come into this realm and live a life on Earth to evolve our own souls and to learn for God, rarely does our twin come to this realm at the same time. The twin souls evolve at different rates and choose different paths. Soul mates don’t stick together like glue. They are actually independent of each other, yet completely connected.

his Earthly existence can be very difficult, challenging and damaging while on this plane. And since we are here primarily for God, learning like one does in a classroom, we don’t need distractions. I think that we do deeply feel separated from the love of the other side, and we find familiar souls from the other side here to help us recall that love.

Chances are if you feel a kindredship or connection to someone, it is because you know each other from a past life or from the other side. The Mormons believe that when we marry and have children, that this family unit is together forever in the heavenly realm. The Mormons marry for eternity, and to a point this is true. My opinion is that when you cross over, you are not “married” to your family, but you definitely have a closer bond with them. Like soldiers, who bond during wars, life on Earth is sometimes like a warzone, and people who experience hardships together, and get through it, often bond. It’s a bond that only people who have been through extraordinary events together can understand.

Do we have deeper bonds with or love for some over others while here? My opinion is yes. The reason that we feel more connected to certain folks on Earth is most likely that we are probably closely interconnected on the other side. This includes deep and long lasting friendships and relationships that we experience here.

Some people we meet may come and go, and this is usually because we have something to learn from each other or there is a reason for having contact with each other. These are not our closest relationships, and may even be someone we don’t like or who gets under our skin for some unknown reason. This is not limited to just everyday people. They can be family members, friends, coworkers or that person you just encountered at the market.

The bottom line is that we are all here, on Earth, together, to either help each other learn, evolve or support each other.

With that said, back to the message.

Anyone who studies dreams realizes that dreams are rarely literal translations. We usually pull symbolic yet familiar images that help us feel more comfortable in the dream. Dreams are mostly symbolic not literal. At times, these familiar images may cause great discomfort and confusion, too, but this is because you are giving literal translation to the dream instead of trying to interpret the symbols.

In the aforementioned dreams, the feelings of separation, loneliness and abandonment are specifically dealing with my soul mate on the other side. My little Earthly brain translates this into something recognizable for me by using real people in my life, “Why would my beloved boyfriend just vanish without any word how to reach him?” I feel alone and sad.

What I am really experiencing is the separation from the heavenly plane. No has left me, and I haven’t left anyone. I am here merely to do a job…a job for God, the Creator, the Divine, the Goddess…or whoever you like to think of as your personal higher power.

I miss the other side, the love, my soul mate, and everyone else watching out for me and guiding me. Those hazy periods when I think that I am alone are simply those moments here on Earth when I forget about that link to the other side and my soul mate.